
LONG time no update! I've had a super busy past few months, and I haven't really taken the time to sit down and update my blog with everything that's happened (oops!)

Back in late February, I signed on with an awesome art agent team Pink Light Studio, and I've been working hard to grow my portfolio, edit existing collections, and have lots of artwork ready for Surtex (which was at the end of May.) Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go to Surtex this year (hopefully next year!!) but I was thrilled to have the opportunity to have my work shown. It's so exciting finally seeing my work become licensed, such a dream come true! I'll definitely be sharing examples of my work on products whenever I have them available. 


So for now I'm still working away at new and revised collections and trying to stay inspired. (I plan on writing another super-honest blog post about the struggle I sometimes feel as a creator. I think other people in creative fields definitely understand this feeling as well!)

I'm going to be more consistent with blogging and sharing on social media this summer. I kind-of fell off the radar for awhile because I was so busy with getting things finalized for Surtex, but now I'm ready to get back out there and show everyone what I'm working on!