
Huge News!

I always claim I’m going to be more consistent with blogging, and it never happens. Oh well…I’ve been super busy over the past few months, so let’s just let it slide.

The huge news is that I announced on my social media a few weeks ago that we’re expecting a baby girl in March 2019!


We’re SO excited to welcome our baby girl into the world! I’m currently about 22 weeks pregnant, and the pregnancy has been great so far. I was pretty nauseous in the very beginning (as expected), but that tapered off, and I’ve felt pretty good up until now. I go through bouts where I’m extremely hungry or extremely tired, but I’ve been feeling pretty good overall!

We’ve had a couple of ultrasound and the baby looks good! She’s been moving a LOT lately, and I’ve even managed to get some videos of my stomach moving (I won’t share those here…that might be a little weird haha)

We have a couple of trips between now and my due date, and I’m excited for the holidays too. We’re going to Hawaii for Thanksgiving as a little “Babymoon” (I’m cringing while typing that. My sarcastic self can’t use the phrase “babymoon” in a serious way) and we’re heading back to Alabama to visit family for Christmas. After that, I’ll be past 31 weeks and we’ll probably be staying around here until the baby comes. We’ve been working on figuring out ideas for the nursery and trying to keep our baby registry as simple as possible. I don’t want to go crazy and buy ALL THE BABY THINGS, so I’m trying to be as minimal as I can.

As far as work goes, I’ve been working away at new collections for Surtex (which has been moved to February…which means I can’t go since I’ll be VERY pregnant then :( ) I’ll try to share some new work whenever I can. I’d like to work on some personal projects too (if I have time) so I’ll be sure to share those too.

That’s all for now!
