We went to Israel


It's good to be back in the USA. We got back on Sunday, but I'm just now getting over my jet lag. Sunday was literally a full day of travel..over 24 hours with a 13-hour layover in San Francisco. Needless to say, we were exhausted yesterday.

We had such a great time in Israel! It was truly the trip of a lifetime, and I'm extremely grateful that we got to experience it. We stayed in Tel Aviv, right beside the beach. Matt only had to work for a few days, so for the rest of the time we relaxed on the beach and explored a lot. We went to Jerusalem where we saw the Garden Tomb, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the wailing wall, Mt. of Olives, and other parts of the Old City. We also spent a day touring Masada and floating in the Dead Sea. 

My favorite memory from the trip was on Easter, when we went to a special Easter service at the Garden Tomb (one of the locations where they believe Jesus may have been buried!) We worshipped and celebrated Jesus and His resurrection with people from all over the world...in the Holy City. It was such an amazing and surreal experience that I'll treasure forever.

I also had time to reflect on some new design ideas, and now I'm ready to get to work on some new collections. I'm going to be cranking out new designs, trying to start freelancing more, contacting licensing companies, and preparing for Surtex 2018 (yep..that's right! :)) I'll be posting lots of new stuff on here soon, so look forward to that!

Here are some photos from the trip: