We're going to Israel!

Yep...you read that title correctly! We're going to Israel! Matt (my husband, if you don't know!) has to go to Tel Aviv to work for a little while, so we're making a little vacation out of it! We're staying in a totally awesome hotel (reeeally close to the beach) and we'll be just under an hour outside of Jerusalem. This is truly a dream trip, and Israel is a place we've always wanted to go to, so we're really grateful that we are going to be able to check it out!

We'll be there during Passover and Easter, which is totally crazy! As Christians, we're super excited to see all of the places that we've read about in the Bible; I'm mostly excited about visiting Jesus's tomb! There was some construction going on there because it was in danger of collapsing (because it's old...ya know...Jesus...) but the tomb recently opened back up for tourists, so we're super happy about that!

I can't wait to share all of our fun adventures and post pictures on here! The only thing I'm a little nervous about is the flight. I'm not afraid of flying at all, but the flight from San Francisco to Tel Aviv is FIFTEEN HOURS long. Which is basically quadruple the amount of time of the longest flight I've been on. So that'll be interesting. I'll let you know how that goes!

I'm looking forward to being in a new place, enjoying the scenery, and hopefully getting really inspired. I'll admit that I've been in a bit of a design rut for the past few weeks, so it'll be nice to gain a new perspective and clear my mind for a bit. Who knows...maybe some awesome new pattern collections will come out of this trip! :)